Information about MS

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a lifelong condition caused by damage to the nervous system. It is an autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the layer that protects the nervous system called the myelin sheath.


MS can show itself in numerous ways, with symptoms ranging from fatigue and muscle weakness, to cognitive issues such as concentration and memory. For some, MS can lead to severe symptoms requiring wheelchair use and extensive care support. The disease is incredibly varied, with no two people having the same range or severity of symptoms. For many, some minor adjustments to lifestyle is all that is required to continue a full and active life.


Medical advances have vastly improved treatment and helped reduce the long term effects of MS. It is not a terminal illness, although in very rare cases complications due to MS can be fatal. People with MS currently have an average life expectancy around 5-10yrs lower than those without MS, but that figure is reducing as treatment continually improves and develops.


A number of charities and organisations have been set up around the world to support those with MS. Here are links to a few, we will add more over time and if you would like your organisation listed please get in touch.
